Saturday, July 25, 2009

point of view...

is a funny thing. Because one person could see a situation in one way and another in a completly different way. Now both parties would never back down and say that maybe, just maybe they were wrong. So it is a never ending fight that will never get better.

I have tried and tried to understand the point of view of the person that got me pissed enough to write this blog. But I will never understand how he could be so caring to those he doesn't know, but so hateful to those that should matter the most.

From where I stood for most of my childhood he was my hero, my partner. He was my safty net. But all that doesn't seem to matter and I wonder if it ever truely did.

All of those times, all of those memories, all of that love. Gone. Lost in a world of late nights and talk of theologigal nonsense. Lost in repeat after repeat of the same failed episode. Will he ever get the picture? Will he ever see that maybe it just won't work out and he should try to work towards making it right with the people that try and try to give him chance after chance.

I have tried to keep looking over it. But I don't think I can anymore. Because I can NOT continue to get hurt over and over. I will not become cold hearted to love. I will not become him.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Anna, these are hard, hard things. You are right to want to be free, and right to fight for your own heart. At your age it is not fair to have to be the one to fight for it, but knowing you need to is a gift from God. Seek Him first so that His truth and peace guide you. I love you and I admire you. --Aunt Debbie
